Digital factory (wordpress multisite)

We assist multi-brand and multi-country groups in the design of their “digital factory”. From graphic and architectural design, to technical implementation and country deployment, we are experts in this field with multiple references.

Multisite is a WordPress feature that allows a group or company with several entities or websites to group them together and create a network of sites on a single WordPress installation (one server/host).

This way, a lot of things are shared (reduction of server and maintenance costs) and governance and cybersecurity are at the same level for all sites.

Advantage for the Group :

  • A global governance of sites and access (WordPress core)
  • Graphic consistency
  • Functional coherence
  • A strike force to be easily activated in the event of a local or global crisis
  • Support in the country
  • An element of mutualisation between countries (lower overall costs)
  • Sites pulled up / current media expectations (responsive, SEO, Https etc.)
  • A clear and documented backup policy
  • Governance of centralized google tools (analytics, search console, google my business etc.)
  • Scalable sites together:
    • change of brand
    • novel strategy
    • deployment of content (corporate video, group CP feeds etc.)
  • A global vision of analytics allows us to identify champions and help the less good (best practices):
    • best sites
    • best content (example top 50 of the best content of 2019 that you should have on your site)
    • better notoriety/authority (backlinks)
  • Easily identify new content that will serve the Group’s website or print reference documents. #crossmedia
  • The peace of mind of an identical functional TMA contract, not a unitary one.

Advantage for the Countries :

  • Benefit from a strong design that responds to the Brand’s policy.
  • Benefit from an efficient and secure hosting including continuous operational maintenance (updates and technical monitoring).
  • A responsive site, i.e. compatible with multiple mobile and tablet media – (standard required by Google now).
  • A site in HTTPS (standard requested by Google now)
  • A site optimized for natural SEO
  • Recover developments made by other countries (mutualisation)
  • Benefit from functionalities and options made available by the group on the platform (see option)
  • A clear and documented backup policy
  • To have a training platform facilitating the handover of local digital functions.
  • To have standardized automatic monthly statistics reports allowing comparison between countries.
  • Have Google tools (analytics, google search console, recaptcha, google my business, etc.) configured for its site(s) and generating alerts if problems occur.
  • Have powerful integration templates to facilitate writing, translation and integration.
  • Focus on your targets, messages, content and more on the technical side.
  • Forms archiving contacts: contacts no longer arrive only by email and are no longer lost during handovers.

Recognised expertise and proven methods

With several hundred sites created and managed for multi-brand and multi-country organisations, we were invited to present this to the E-Cercle (the digital communicators of the ‘enlarged’ CAC40) in November 2024, and here is the replay:

Digital Factory: Definition

A Digital Factory is an organized structure for the production and management of applications, websites, and digital services in an efficient and agile manner. It relies on modern development and project management methodologies such as DevOps, continuous integration, and continuous delivery (CI/CD). The main goal of a Digital Factory is to centralize and optimize the creation, deployment, and management of multiple digital assets in a coherent and controlled environment.

A Digital Factory typically consists of various multidisciplinary teams that bring together experts in development, design, project management, data analysis, and digital marketing. These teams collaborate to create digital solutions tailored to the specific needs of businesses while ensuring maximum flexibility and adaptability to market changes.

The Digital Factory approach is distinguished by the automation of processes and the reuse of software components to accelerate project development and maintenance. This approach not only helps reduce costs and time to market but also enables continuous improvement of digital products through quick feedback loops and frequent iterations.

In the context of a WordPress multisite network, for instance, a Digital Factory allows for the management of multiple websites from a centralized interface, thus simplifying maintenance, updates, and SEO performance optimization for each site. By leveraging a Digital Factory, consultants like Nicolas Laustriat can provide their clients with a robust digital strategy that maximizes online visibility and reputation for small and medium-sized businesses while reducing reliance on expensive and complex third-party solutions.

This approach, based on experience and transparency, contrasts sharply with the standardized solutions offered by many platforms, providing more personalized support tailored to the real needs of businesses.