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So far admin has created 53 blog entries.

Poleetic launches QR code / code 2D mobile Application

By |2024-05-14T08:04:33+00:00November th15, 2013|Categories: Innovation, Poleetic, Tribune, Uncategorized|

We are pleased to present our first mobile application, homemade and for our own needs ... Okay it’s also for the pleasure to give you a true and effective free QR app ... ;-) The success of our QRcode generator available for free on the website, and always aiming at mastering the entire media and


Open Sources solutions analysed after CMS Day

By |2017-01-28T10:59:24+00:00July th9, 2013|Categories: Innovation, Project Management, Tribune, Uncategorized|

We are players in Poleetic, and we love challenges and entrepreneurship. Therefore, we are proposing that our intern, Simon Soustelle to take his best pen and share with you his experience at the CMS day. Here is the result of the visit … The CMS Day was held on Tuesday, June 28 at the Paris


Advantages, risk and solution for Drupal, WordPress and Joomla websites factories

By |2017-01-28T10:59:24+00:00May th6, 2013|Categories: Innovation, Project Management, Uncategorized|

The factory site concept Owning a factory site allows to build several sites on the same server and with the same installation of CMS, you can duplicate and adapt easily to a new need: New entities, New targets, New services Migration of existing sites (...) ... And administer consistently and strategically. The installation of a


5 ways to secure your CMS (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal etc.)

By |2017-01-28T10:59:24+00:00March th29, 2013|Categories: Poleetic, Project Management, Uncategorized|

We do not mess with security... Being virus infected or hacked can have serious consequences: - Virus diffusion to your customers - Misuse of social accounts (ex: LinkedIn) - Misuse of your content and links for promoting 3P products - Pills, Pocker, Porn (ex: political science) - Blacklisting by Google     In addition to always


Who owns this domain? Whois …

By |2019-09-13T07:02:11+00:00March th29, 2013|Categories: Client Relation, Poleetic, Project Management, Uncategorized|

We provide you with the "Whois" tool to determine who owns a name domain. Careful: some offshore companies (InternetBs Bahamas not to quote them) allow anonymous Whois. Quick tip: If you see someone registering a domain name with your brand, use the query "whois name of the person or owner" to see what are

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Generate / create a free QR Code

By |2017-01-28T10:59:25+00:00July th25, 2012|Categories: Client Relation, Innovation, Poleetic, Project Management, Tribune, Uncategorized|

We provide free of charge the generator alias QRcode Barcode 2d (not an f ***** Flashcode). This tool allows you to create QR TAG:   Text Phone Vcard URL SMS WIFI,etc.     [qrcodes_wpress display="generator"] New ! To test your QRcode created or general scanner, we have developed a mobile application Iphone. download it

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Try open-source CMS before installing them

By |2017-01-28T10:59:30+00:00June th11, 2012|Categories: Client Relation, Innovation, Project Management, Uncategorized|

We had planned to setup a demo platform for our customers so they can test the various open source CMS available in the market (website, blog, forum, e-commerce). This project was aiming at supporting our recommendations and illustrate them with examples or real-world case studies. After the first discussion with our developers, we realized that the


Poleetic likes WordPress

By |2017-01-28T10:59:30+00:00January th24, 2012|Categories: Innovation, Poleetic, Project Management, Uncategorized|

For those who have followed our training sessions at Cegos or during an e-reputation mission, you could see huge benefits of WordPress in comparision with publisher’s solution type IBM Websphere and Microsoft Sharepoint. Some will say that we can’t compare ... They are right! But they often forget to analyze the needs of  the contributors, the conduct


Poleetic launched its subsidiary in Normandy:

By |2017-01-28T10:59:30+00:00April th16, 2011|Categories: Client Relation, Poleetic, Uncategorized|

Thanks to our web development and graphic design missions in the past five years, we are pleased to announce the launch of our subsidiary in Normandy that specializes in creating leisure and tourism website in Deauvil and its surroundings. Why leisure and tourism sites? Our development portfolio is full of themes and graphics features available for Hotel, Restaurant,
